
Solar energy – clean and renewable

The production of energy from renewable sources is increasingly the focus of the interest of the Bosnian public, so the interest is growing among individuals who increasingly decide to install solar panels on the roofs of their houses.

Although installing solar panels is a significant investment, the return on investment is guaranteed and is most common in a few years after installation (5-6 years). This data should be a different estimate because the investment return time depends on several factors. Namely, solar energy has numerous advantages, but the most significant feature is the reduction of electricity or thermal energy costs and, ultimately, a positive environmental impact. After fully recovering the invested funds, the solar panels will work in your favor because you will have your energy for personal needs without additional costs.

Plate solar collectors convert as much as 95% of solar radiation into energy, and savings achieved by using solar systems for water heating purposes reach up to 70%. In households, savings primarily depend on the type of panels used and for what purposes, and the use of solar energy for space heating leads to savings of 20% to 35% annually.

The most important thing is that solar energy is good for the environment. Solar energy is known to be a clean, natural, and “green” form of energy. It reduces the level of pollution, and there is no way in which it negatively affects nature and the environment. It does not release harmful gases; apart from the need for water, it requires no additional resources. So, all that makes it extremely useful, and by using it, everyone is doing an excellent service to the environment, and that’s another important fact.

Many may need to learn that solar energy must not only be used to supply electricity but also for heating purposes. Various thermal systems will also use solar energy as heating solutions. This energy source is entirely free, inexhaustible, and available in unlimited quantities. Research has shown that solar energy emits much fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels; that is, it has a minor impact on climate change compared to other non-renewable energy sources.

There are several other benefits of using solar energy, such as the fact that you will protect yourself from future increases in electricity prices because you will have a cheap and excellent source of energy that you do not have to pay anyone. Every house that uses solar energy functions like a small power plant, and the entire environment will receive a higher level of safety and a significantly lower number of accidents and disasters caused by human errors.

For the sake of interest, the fact is that 960 billion kWh of solar energy reaches the earth’s surface daily and that, in theory, it can meet the energy needs of the world population for the next 180 years. It is clear what the potential of this energy source is. Most of today’s energy solar systems do not require much maintenance and therefore do not cause high maintenance costs. Solar panels used for household purposes only need cleaning a few times a year.

And remember that solar energy is available worldwide because every part of the planet is affected by solar radiation. Some features of the country have more sunny days and better prerequisites for using solar energy. Still, a fascinating fact is that Germany is far ahead of others in using solar energy and is considered to have the largest solar energy capacity in the world, thanks to investments, even though it is located north of the equator.