
How much energy and money do you lose by leaving the devices on when you do not use them?

We all certainly in our home own devices such as TV, computer, laptop, DVD, etc., that instead of shutting them down when not in use, regularly leave to stand-by mode. Although many of us do not know and do not pay attention to these things, know that in this way the energy is lost.


The data that the “screen saver” will reduce electricity consumption is a big misconception. Just turn off the monitor from the power supply, will save energy. What most of us do, and should not be we leave the charger plugged in even when we do not charge our mobile devices. Also, the number of those who do not turn off the computer and TV, after use is small, which contributes to the loss of energy.


Although the amount of lost energy is not large, about 10 -15 vats per device, in some cases it may be even more. If multiple devices are continuously in standby mode it can amount to up to 10 percent of household energy consumption. The average household consumes around 3500 kW / h, per year. It is considered that 300 to 500 kW / h relate precisely to the devices in the stand by. In addition, the bills for electricity are bigger. Would not you like to spend that money on something else?


How to prevent unnecessary loss of energy?


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Very simple. To begin with, detect in your home and create the habit of turning off all the power outlets so they can no longer lose power. When a computer and a monitor are not needed for work there is no need to be plugged in. If you have charged your mobile device, disconnect the charger from the socket. If you have finished watching, turn off the TV from power until the next time.


The biggest effects of reducing electricity consumption in households can be achieved by simultaneously implementing sound savings and efficient use of energy. This means that if household electrical appliances are used in a certain way, they can achieve quite significant financial savings.


It is never too late to start implementing effective household power measures. If  little tips like these become the everyday life, it can make a small, but valuable savings on an annual basis.